
For a lot of people looking into orthodontic treatment, the idea of having visible braces on their teeth can cause cold feet. Some kids and teenagers share this concern, but it is understandably mostly adults that desire a less obvious treatment method. Thanks to rapidly-evolving technology, Invisalign offers a terrific option for treatment without the visibility of traditional braces.

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a less invasive, revolutionary piece of orthodontic technology that offers much ease and comfort as well as a more discreet treatment. Treatment with Invisalign involves using a series of transparent plastic aligners, very similar to retainers, that are custom made to each patient’s teeth and change shape over time. This allows a movement in the formation of the teeth and transformation into a beautiful smile.

How does Invisalign work?

Patients wear a series of aligners that have slight differences in shape. Ideally, the patient wears their aligners for 20-22 hours a day, and swaps their aligner for the next one in the series every few days. The more time spent wearing the aligners, the quicker the teeth will transform into the desired result.

Treatment length can vary with Invisalign, depending on how far away your teeth are from the desired outcome. Typically, patients wear their aligners anywhere from 6-18 months, but treatment times can be shorter or longer depending on the patient.

How much does Invisalign Cost?

The cost of Invisalign can be difficult to estimate because it relies on a few factors. Variables include length of required treatment, as well as how much insurance can help cover costs. Typically, Invisalign will cost anywhere between $2,500-$6,500. A free consultation with one of our doctors can provide a much more accurate estimate of treatment costs.


Crowding happens when the mouth and gums lack space to fit all teeth normally within the jaws. This can cause severe teeth displacement and rotation. This problem is much easier to treat when younger, and only gets worse and harder to treat with time.

Splayed Teeth

Splayed teeth are a condition where the front teeth have an outward inclination. This is often caused by thumb-sucking in early years when the gums are soft and the front teeth are applied pressure. It can cause problems in biting and jaw alignment.

Impacted Canine

Impacted teeth are teeth that never emerge through the gums. These teeth can cause serious problems such as infection, improper eruption of nearby teeth, and crowding. If left untreated or undiagnosed, impacted canines can require intensive surgeries and expensive procedures to fix.

Besides treating orthodontic problems for improved health and functionality, tackling these issues early on in life can be beneficial in a psychosocial sense. Children are naturally sensitive around the time they would normally begin treatment, and improving the aesthetic of their mouth and jaw can be very positive for their self-confidence. Kids should be proud of who they are, and their smile is a big part of that. Addressing these orthodontic issues at a young age helps minimize confidence problems that could emerge if left untreated.